Sweet Talk: Robert Brunt

Get to know Robert Brunt Owner of Arna Falco, ChufaChoc, Tiger & Bean. 

1/ If you didn’t work in Confectionery where would you be? 

Studying ethnobotany.  

2/ What is one thing you would remove from the office? 

The mouse. Just looking at it gives me repetitive strain. 

3/ What Is your favourite film?  

Lost in translation (2003) 

4/ What is one confectionery snack you cannot live without? 

Salted caramel 

5/ What is one thing you cannot live without? 

Wild blueberries 

6/ Who is your greatest inspiration and why? 

Anita Roddick. As the Founder of The Body Shop. She pioneered radical change within the cosmetics industry, she was a brilliant businesswoman, human rights activist and environmental campaigner all rolled into one. I sometimes wonder how she would have approached and disrupted the confectionery industry.  

7/ Name three people (dead or alive) that you would like to have dinner with? 

Anita Roddick, Steven Fry & Nina Simone.  

8/ Coffee or Tea, and how do you take it? 

Always tea. Ideally with smoked spices on a snowy Himalayan mountainside. Failing that, black with one sugar on a rainy day in Europe is also fine.  

9/ You recently won an Innovation award at the ISM trade show, how did it feel to win? 

It felt fantastic. We spent more than 3 years developing Tigernut milk chocolate and toffee, with a lot of research dedicated to the dehydration of plant-based milks. And so, it felt wonderful to have one of our products recognised by such a well-known body of judges.  

10/ What is your favourite music genre 

Love music, can´t pick. Love everything from A Cappella to Zulu music. No favorites, just love what suits my mood at the time.  

11/ Tell us something funny that happened to you.  

I fell into a water feature at an upmarket restaurant and managed to soak two waiters in process. American comedian Ruby Wax was at the restaurant at the time and watched the awkward moment unfold. I am hoping that it will be added to her writings one of these days. 

Read more of  the latest industry news and developments here: April 2022 Single Issue form – International Confectionery Magazine (in-confectionery.com)

Media contact

Roshini Bains,
Editor, International Confectionery
Tel: +44 (0) 1622 823 922
Email: editor@in-confectionery.com

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