Organic smart food brand Human Food have added an ‘Orange Bar’ and a ‘White Bar’ to their existing range of ‘Green’, ‘Red’ and ‘Yellow’. This coincides with the launch of their new bar wrapper, labelled the ‘Power-Ups’ design which includes colour-coded, bar-specific nutritional information blocks on the front of the pack.

The brand’s Organic Daily Nutrition Bars are the World’s most nutritionally-dense organic food , while the recipes have been designed specifically to support a plant-based lifestyle, they provide any individual with a solid nutritional base from which to easily complete an optimal diet. Since their full launch, earlier this year, people all over the World have signed up to monthly subscriptions, delivered world-wide by carbon neutral courier, direct from Human Food’s premises in Wales to the customers door.
Unlike other brands in this space (including Huel, Soylent and Slim Fast), Human Food products use only organic whole foods , and no industrially-manufactured synthetic nutrients. Human Food provides a significant percentage of an individual’s RI (Recommended Intake) for a whole range of essential micronutrients , including – most importantly for vegans and vegetarians – 100% RI of Vit B12 (from natural quinoa sprout).
Subscribers include elite sportspeople such as ultra runner Catra Corbett and rock climber Steph Davis, as well as thousands of health-conscious individuals, with hundreds more signing up each month.
Human Food has seen their orders increase by 800% during the COVID-19 pandemic, as people all over the world have begun to look for food that can support long-term health and well-being. Human Food’s early growth has also been driven by environmentally-conscious consumers, drawn to organic production, zero-plastic packaging, biodegradable wrappers and carbon-neutral delivery.
Dozens of Nutritionists and Dieticians have publicly backed the brand citing the impressive nutritional makeup of the bars, the inclusion of functional foods such as spirulina, turmeric and maca, their well-developed environmental policy and commitment to research-based product development, involving a team of doctors, scientist, food, health and well-being experts.
Gillian Killiner – Registered Dietician / Nutrition and Heart Disease Adviser for the World Health Organisation (WHO)
“As a Dietitian I don’t get involved in product promotion as I like to remain impartial, however I feel this bar has everything right and the team behind it are all about prioritising health and the environment so It would be wrong not to give it full credit.”
Dr Hamed Kamali – Practicing physician / certified in plant-based nutrition / Medical Moderator
“I haven’t heard of anything as nutritionally dense and as unique. I’ve searched for a bar like this since going plant-based – not only addressing the macros – but also the micro-nutrients. All three flavours are delicious, satiating and full of superfoods that you might otherwise struggle to get on a daily basis.”
Dr RM Bracken – Associate Professor, Sports Science, Swansea University
“All bars showed an initial rise in perceived fullness that was sustained throughout the whole two hour obervation period. The combination of a low blood glucose response combined with sustained satiety is conducive to maintaining a healthy, balanced diet that’s proportional in calories to the needs of the body.”
New flavours and product development
Human Food reinvests 50% of profits in R&D, and earlier this year completed the first in an on-going series of product trials with Swansea University (Official Research Partner), collecting data on blood glucose, satiety and cognitive responses to bar use, a unique step for a company in this space. This process of rigorous, scientific testing combined with continual surveying of subscriber and customer feedback has driven the development of two new flavours and upgrades to three existing recipes:
The existing bars (Green, Red and Yellow) have all been upgraded with:
- Increased Protein (to 14g per bar)
- Increased Vitamin C (to over 50%RI per bar)
- Increased Copper (to over 50%RI per bar)
- Increased Manganese (to over 50%RI per bar)
- Improved taste and texture (for example by increasing the amount of Goji Berries in the Red bar from 8g to 10g per bar)
- Improved wrappers (still 100% compostable, but now crease-proof and providing better protection for the bars)
The 2 new bars, in addition to the standard HF nutritional and functional profile, contain:
- Orange
- 40mg of Organic Orange Oil – Giving 100% RI of Vitamin C
- White
- 16g of Organic Nuts (Walnut, Almond, Cashew) – Providing over 950 mg of Omega 3
The improved nutritionals have been achieved through the addition of organic plant extracts only (for example Organic Acerola for Vitamin C) and all 5 bars – as always – are 100% clean-label; free from synthetic nutrients, with no added sugar, no Soy, no GMOs, no artificial flavourings, no colourings and no preservatives.
As for all development work at Human Food, these changes have been approved against both the company’s Development Promises and General Principles
Human Food – Bar by Bar
NEW: The Orange Bar contains 40mg of organic orange oil, and 100% RI of vitamin C per bar. Vitamin C increases antioxidant activity, fights long term ill health, strengthens innate immunities, reduces the risk of heart disease, fights anaemia by catalysing iron uptake, boosts the immune system by promoting white blood cell production and strengthening the skin, and helps guard against age-related cognitive decline.
NEW: The White Bar contains 16g of organic nuts (Walnuts, Almonds, Cashews). These nuts are very high in a broad range of micronutrients, they are also high in antioxidants and fibre and reduce LDL (‘bad’) cholesterol. In addition, almonds are very high in magnesium which reduces blood pressure and improves insulin sensitivity. Walnuts, which are high in omega 3, have been shown to improve brain function. While cashews contain the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect eye health.
The Red Bar contains 10g of organic goji berries, proven to protect eyesight, improve memory, improve brain function and increase learning capacity, to fight the symptoms of diabetes and to combat anxiety and depression. Also high in vitamins A and C, fibre, iron and zinc.
The Yellow Bar contains 500mg of organic turmeric, the most studied of all functional foods with an enormous range of powerful health and well-being-promoting functions ranging from improving mood and brain function, relieving arthritis, moderating immune dysfunction and enhancing the innate immune system. Turmeric is also a powerful anti-inflammatory.
The Green Bar contains 1g of organic spirulina which has been shown to increase physical endurance, to act against allergies, to reduce cholesterol and to be effective against certain precancerous conditions.
New: Clinical trials carried out by official research partners Swansea University showed Human Food to improve brain function. Report available here.
Human food health stats
Each bar contains:
- 100% RI (Reference Intake) of Vitamin B12 – Human Food’s Organic Daily Nutrition Bars are the only products in the world to contain 100% organic, whole food-derived vitamin B12, rather than in a synthetic form (eg. milk alternatives are fortified with synthetic Vit B12).
- 50% RI Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Copper, Manganese and Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C and D
- 40% RI Iodine
- 14g Protein
- 800mg Omega 3
- 500mg organic Maca
- 200mg organic Ginseng
- 3g organic Cacao
- Other essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients, including: Potassium, Phosphorus, Copper, Zinc, Manganese, Vitamin E, Folic Acid, Omega 6 and Omega 9
- Each bar contains an additional functional ingredient:
- White – 16g of organic nuts (Walnuts, Almonds, Cashews)
- Orange – 40mg of organic orange oil, and 100% RI of vitamin C per bar
- Red – 10g of organic goji berries
- Yellow – 500mg of organic turmeric
- Green – 1g of organic spirulina
Unlike other brands, Human Food only uses 100% whole food-derived nutrients in its products, as these are packed with essential phytonutrients that are required for optimal absorption by the body. Wholefood nutrients are typically more bioavailable than synthetic equivalents; wholefood Vitamin E, for example, is absorbed by the body at over seven times the rate of its synthetic counterpart.
The Organic Daily Nutrition Bars contain no added sugar, sweeteners, preservatives, flavourings, synthetic nutrients, soy, grains, wheat, dairy or GMO’s, are allergen-free and each one has all of its seeds whole to protect against oxidisation, which causes degradation in taste and nutrition.
Human Food recommends enjoying one of its Organic Daily Nutrition Bars every day to provide a solid foundation from which to complete an optimal diet. The bars are hugely versatile and a quick, nutritious solution that is ideal for time-poor, busy individuals to enjoy at any time of day. They can be eaten on their own, blended into a smoothie, crumbled on top of Bircher, muesli or porridge. HF bars make a fantastic pre or post-workout snack, they contain endurance-promoting functionals such as maca and ginseng, while whole food ingredients mean slow-release energy and lasting satiety.
Price & Availability
Human Food’s Organic Daily Nutrition Bars (RRP: £3.30 per bar) are available via the brand’s website and can be purchased with a 10% discount as a monthly subscription (RRP: £59.40 for 20 bars), as a one-off order starting at 10 bars, or as a ‘taster pack’ containing one of each bar.
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