At the end of January 2020, Bühler’s information security management system has been certified with the most respected cyber security standard: ISO 27001:2013. With this certification, Bühler showcases how important information security is for the company. ISO 27001 protects key areas such as internal business IT, the automation solution Mercury MES, the Bühler Insights platform, and the myBühler customer portal. “Today, over 85 % of our solutions can be connected to Bühler Insights. We want to show our customers that their data is as secure with us as it is currently possible. Digital services from Bühler conform to the highest possible security standards,” said Stuart Bashford, Digital Officer at Bühler Group. |
Bühler is further digitalising its processes and is offering more solutions based on connected assets powered by its digital platform Bühler Insights. As Bühler and its customers share more and more data, it is also part of the company’s mission to protect the data partners entrusted to Bühler, and to keep those data as secure as possible. Therefore, Bühler has decided to have its relevant processes certified according to the ISO 27001 standard. Manfred Goetz, CIO at Bühler Group, said: “We now have a certified information security management system with dedicated policies, processes, and controls. This means that our digital teams must adhere to strict guidelines. Engineering, development, and support of all our current and future digital solutions will benefit from the ISO 27001 certification.” Stuart Bashford, Digital Officer, added: “This also contributes to a trustful customer relationship, because our customers can have peace of mind when they let us handle their sensitive data.” The company acknowledges the value of the digital data it receives and works with, which is why the company has laid this groundwork to protect them. The now fully implemented information security management system also verifies that Bühler’s own IT landscape is maintained and controlled according to the most important IT security standards. ISO 27001 protects Bühler’s global internal business IT and its advanced digital solutions, both of which are vital for providing secure services for Bühler’s businesses spanning 140 countries. Its five regional IT service centres throughout the world providing global digital support are all certified now. Certification protects digital solutions on Bühler Insights Combining Bühler’s leadership in advanced materials and food processing with its capabilities in digital technologies, they have developed Bühler Insights, the cloud platform dedicated to its customers in the food and mobility industries. With it, Bühler can provide added value for its customers by using data to improve yield (such as with the Yield Management System), lowering energy emissions (such as with MoisturePro) and waste, or improving uptimes (such as with the Digital Cell and the Error and Downtime Analysis). Bühler Insights enables secure, high-performance, reliable digital solutions that, together with blockchain technologies, can achieve significant progress in improving food safety, quality, efficiency, and traceability across production value chains. Bühler started its journey to certify its information security in 2018 in order to make Bühler Insights and its connected digital solutions as secure as possible for its customers. Software development process of Mercury automation platform also certified The recent ISO 27001 audit has also certified the software development process related to this new web-based automation platform. Mercury MES forms the automation basis for food-processing customers who are on one side operating with complex processes and on the other side need a high degree of automation . Mercury enables the seamless exchange of information throughout all production process systems. Supported by Bühler, customers can optimise workflows through communication between enterprise resource planning (ERP), quality control, maintenance, and other systems. Data availability and real-time feedback enable smart decision making enhancing the plant performance and productivity. Customer data on myBühler portal safe, secure, and carbon-neutral “Almost 6,000 customers in more than 120 countries trust in the myBühler customer portal. All their data is protected by Bühler’s processes certified according to ISO 27001,” says Goetz. myBühler offers customers easy access to their installed machines in their plants as well as documentation and access to spare parts and their order history. As Bühler has tailored and personalised a digital shop for every customer, Bühler can offer bespoke information on products and orders, easy and advanced identification of the spare and wear parts the customers need, as well as seamless integration into the customers’ purchasing process. It offers not only high data protection for its customers but is also a climate-neutral website since Bühler is compensating the energy the servers consume. |