Provocative film challenges consumers to rethink unethical purchasing

Collaboration between AMV BBDO and the Fairtrade Foundation to raise awareness for the exploitation of farmers overseas

In the aftermath of Britain’s decision to leave the EU, debate surrounding the future of international trade continues unabated. Yet one area yet to receive adequate airtime is how cocoa growers in underprivileged parts of the world will be impacted.

In partnership with advertising agency AMV BBDO, the Fairtrade Foundation has committed to highlighting the plight of rural farming communities through the release of a new short film entitled ‘Don’t Feed Exploitation’, to coincide with the Fairtrade Foundation’s annual Fairtrade Fortnight awareness campaign (February 27 – March 12).

Michael Gidney, CEO of the Fairtrade Foundation said: “Too many companies still do not publish what they pay their producers. It’s time to really push the direct connection between the food we buy and their impact on farmers’ livelihoods. If people really knew, and thought about it, would they still make the same choices?”

Fresh data published by Atomic Research reveals almost two in 10 people have never even considered whether their food has been produced in exploitative conditions, with just over seven in 10 concerned with ensuring their food and drink is produced devoid of exploitative means.

In Cote D’Ivoire, which produces a third of the global supply of cocoa, approximately 80% of the population live on just 40pence per day – amongst those, cocoa farmers who earn scarcely enough to feed their families. Those who do sell crops on Fairtrade terms, however, are granted a more stable income, ensuring communities have a practical means of escaping overwhelming poverty.

The short film will aim to challenge consumers to make the link between the food they buy and their impact on millions of farmers’ livelihoods, showing the entire process from start-to-finish.

As stated by Gidney: “When we reach for our everyday foods without necessarily questioning what lies behind them, seduced by nice packaging, or attractive products and brands, we may be unconsciously feeding exploitation.”

*Poll carried out by Atomic Research and surveyed 2,000 British adults.

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