Tony’s Chocolonely aim for fairer cocoa trade

A recent initiative has been launched by chocolate manufacturer Tony’s Chocolonely aimed at addressing the living income challenges faced by cocoa farmers. The scheme involves the direct provision of a bonus to cocoa cooperatives in West Africa, where many farmers struggle to earn a sufficient wage due to low cocoa prices.

Under the initiative, Tony’s Chocolonely will provide a bonus to cocoa cooperatives based on the volume of cocoa purchased from them. This bonus is intended to supplement the income of cocoa farmers and improve their standard of living.

The move is part of a broader effort to tackle poverty and inequality within the cocoa supply chain. By providing additional support to cocoa farmers, Tony’s Chocolonely aims to contribute to the creation of a more sustainable and equitable cocoa industry.

The initiative has been welcomed by industry observers and stakeholders, who see it as a positive step towards addressing the longstanding challenges faced by cocoa farmers in West Africa. It is hoped that similar initiatives will be adopted by other companies within the chocolate industry, leading to tangible improvements in the lives of cocoa farmers.


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