The automatisation of a dosing system 

By tailoring solutions to manufacturers’ needs, CEPI ensures future-proof processes that optimise resources and reduce errors 

CEPI is a provider of fully customised bulk-handling systems, which includes the integrated automation of all operations, including multiple PLC solutions with HMI for the complete management of production and Tracking System software providing process control, warehouse management, and full traceability. Hardware and software design is done completely in-house. With a team of 24 programmers working on automation and software design, we are able to provide technical and human continuity through the development of a project that can become very specific and complex.  

The automation of the dosing system governs all operations from the loading of storing stations to conveyance and dosing, including all processes such as fermentation and control on parameters such as temperature, pH, atmosphere, which is crucial in preserving the properties of ingredients such as flour or fats. The recipe is managed exactly in the way indicated by the customer: we only provide accurate automation and the most suitable dosing technology, as well as our expertise in how to optimise the management of various ingredients. We do not overturn their product or their process.  

At CEPI, it is our mission to provide turn-key solutions, that is, solutions that make the user independent. In practice, in our systems, the processes are covered from storing to dosing, and we support any materials and processes the user wishes to include due to a very diversified technological offer. We already possess internally all expertise needed to design, build, and commission the system, and finally we provide the automation and all the data related to the operations run by the system.  

Turn-key systems  

Designing a dosing system is a complex process that requires a close analysis of the manufacturer’s processes and detailed information that goes beyond the purely technical. Our process involves all departments from warehouse to production, technical, purchasing and marketing, to include projection of future productions and create a system that will easily accommodate future developments and expansions.  

Our systems are based on long-term thinking in order to create the most flexible solution for each food manufacturer and not preclude any new path they may take in the future. As such, they are very easy to revamp, which contributes to the already high circularity of our product, where equipment has a long life and is mainly built in stainless steel. As well as this, we guarantee continuity with a stable PLC-based system that is very standardised and adaptable, therefore ready to follow all changes and future additions. Our automations are also designed to optimise all processes, leading to the minimisation of energy and material consumption.  

The automation system is developed in parallel to the mechanical one. It’s very scalable and customisable, specific down to the single utility. We do not offer pre-ready packages as it is our firm belief that food manufacturers should not adapt to our solutions but rather the opposite. We automate through a recipe that includes every technological step of production, including all dosing and mixing phases, their order and where they should happen.  

This detailed study translates into a system that ensures not only repeatability and accuracy of the recipe but also traceability of all materials and processes, higher efficiency and production volumes, reduced consumptions and pollution, improved working conditions and less human error as well as enhanced communication with other software and ERP. Our systems make productions more hygienic, with total separation between production and warehouse, and optimise space in both areas.  

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Hannah Larvin
Editor, International Confectionery
Tel: +44 (0) 1622 823 920

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