Sweet Talk: Sian Holt

Getting to know Sian Holt, MD of Fudge Kitchen on a personal level:

Q1. If you didn’t work in Confectionery, where would you be?  

When I was younger, I had my heart set on doing a bi-lingual law degree (in English & French). But spending more time in the real world made me realise I was far more interested in the way products were made and marketed. If it wasn’t confectionery that I landed in, it would still be something ultimately customer facing with a physical product (not a service). 

Q2. What do you love about the confectionery industry? 

Fudge Kitchens products give people that little indulgent and special moment. I love the creativity within confectionery, from product flavours and innovation, to stand out packaging, to marketing assets and imagery. 

Q3. Who inspires you? 

When I was starting the Fudge Kitchen business, my father was definitely an inspiration and mentor. I come from an entrepreneurial family, and my father was forever thinking up new ideas.  

Q4. How would you define yourself in three words? 

Small (I’m 5ft1.5), Energetic and Disruptive (in a positive way) 

Q5. In your experience, how has the confectionery world changed in the last 10 years? 

It’s changed almost without recognition, away from mass market production towards speciality producers and brands with provenance. Consumers and producers reacting to changes in the marketplace means it’s a far more creative and fluid sector than it ever was. Recent growth in the market has been with small speciality brands. I think this was led by the development of expert chocolatiers, who were the first to create the market for serving discerning consumers.  

Q6. What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? 

A bit cliché but “keep it simple, stupid”.  

Q7. Where do you see yourself and the Fudge Kitchen business in 5 years? 

Mostly, I would have liked to make a lot of people happy along the way. I don’t think growth is the sole goal for us, I think you should be aiming to operate more ethically, productively and sustainably so that growth is a positive consequence.  

Read more from our latest edition here: March 2022 Single Issue form – International Confectionery Magazine (in-confectionery.com)

Media contact

Roshini Bains,
Editor, International Confectionery
Tel: +44 (0) 1622 823 922
Email: editor@in-confectionery.com

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