Roshen Kyiv confectionery factory increases capital by 33%

The Roshen Kyiv confectionery factory, part of the Roshen corporation, has announced a 33% increase in its authorised capital, raising it by UAH 0.5 billion to a total of UAH 2.006 billion.

The capital increase was achieved through an additional issue of shares, totalling 2 billion pieces, each with a nominal value of UAH 0.25.

This move comes after the Roshen Kyiv confectionery factory reported a net profit of UAH 11.387 million for the year 2023.

In related news, February saw a court in Lipetsk, Russia, decide to nationalise the Roshen Lipetsk confectionery factory.

The ultimate beneficiary of the Roshen Kremenchuk confectionery factory is Oleksii Poroshenko, son of former President Petro Poroshenko. The Roshen corporation’s holdings include factories in Kremenchuk, Vinnytsia, Kyiv, Lithuania and Hungary, as well as a dairy plant in Vinnytsia and the now-frozen Lipetsk factory in Russia.



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Tel: +44 (0) 1622 823 920



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