NCA provides digital resource for confectionery consumers

More than 90% of Americans say they plan to share or gift chocolate and confectionery during the winter holiday season, which means for some that this is the perfect time to think more actively about the role that chocolate and candy can play in a happy, balanced lifestyle. In an effort to support people engaging in conversations about managing their sugar intake, the National Confectioners Association (NCA) is bringing digital tools and resources to life at Winter Holidays Central.

“What would the winter holiday season be without chocolate and candy?” John Downs, NCA President and CEO, said. “Whether you love candy canes or prefer foil-wrapped chocolate coins, chocolate and candy can be an important part of holiday celebrations, and we are committed to helping people make informed choices about how they enjoy these seasonal treats.”

Winter Holidays Central is full of resources focused on balance to help families celebrate the winter holidays while enjoying their favourite treats. The online resource provides stats, tips and festive facts to help families enjoy chocolate and candy as a special treat during these months.

Festive facts on Winter Holidays Central:

  • Most Americans plan to gift chocolate or candy this holiday season. The treats most often gifted in stockings are foil-wrapped chocolates, followed by candy canes and small boxes of chocolates.
  • This holiday season will have more options in package sizes of 200 calories or less than ever before. Most people in the U.S. enjoy chocolate and candy two to three times per week, averaging about 40 calories per day and about one teaspoon of added sugar per day from confectionery items. As the industry gets closer to its goal of providing half of its treats in packages with 200 calories or less, families have even more treating options this holiday season.
  • Americans are divided on the right way to enjoy a candy cane. NCA’s survey showed that 58% of Americans prefer to start on the straight end when eating a candy cane, while 30% start on the curved end and 12% of people break it into pieces.

Winter Holidays Central is part of the confectionery industry’s commitment to helping consumers manage their sugar intake by providing more information, options and support. This effort by America’s leading chocolate and candy companies will help people make informed choices about how they treat by offering smaller pack sizes, clear calorie labels and easily accessible information.

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