MacIntyre boost flexibility and reliability

MacIntyre support their customers and encourage them to stay alert and save costs with MacIntyre’s NEXT Generation Refiner/Conche.


It’s been an unprecedented year for the world – the food industry included. Many factories have closed their doors, and many have worked around the clock feeding the nations. It has been necessary to analyse the workplace and devise new normal practices. Our lives have changed, and we have had to adapt our environment to suit. Every office and production hall needed a new approach. While businesses all around the world have been absorbed in implementing new procedures, the goal has remained the same. The food needs to reach the consumer, but even faster than ever before. All food production machinery has been pushed to the limits, creating a need for equipment without limitations. Flexibility, reliability and energy efficiency is critical and reducing waste and costs are paramount. MacIntyre have supported a number of customers during this time with the challenges being faced on daily basis.

The variety of products which can be made on a MacIntyre Refiner/Conche is not always appreciated. Most individuals who are familiar with this versatile machine, understand it’s a perfect solution for producing high quality pure chocolate, compounds, cremes, spreads, nut pastes, pralines, etc. Many, however, are completely unaware that the MacIntyre is used regularly for reworking products which have not met the desired criteria for packaging and onward journey to the supermarket. Whole biscuits and wafers (with or without crème/chocolate) can be added directly to the MacIntyre Refiner/Conche with fats and other raw materials. The MacIntyre can break down, liquefy and refine these ingredients to the desired finished particle size. The mass can then be incorporated back into mainstream production and utilised again in processing. Products such as chocolate bars with nuts, crème filled bars, sugar coated lentils, chocolate covered nuts, can all be reworked. So, at a time when we all need to stay alert and be very aware of our actions, it’s also a perfect time to consider keeping costs and waste to a minimum, being mindful of scrap in the production hall and pursuing the potential to rework. The team at MacIntyre will be glad to advise and perform a test with your raw materials.

Combined with the latest energy efficient NEXT Generation Refiner/Conches from MacIntyre, the possibilities and cost savings should not be overlooked.


For more information on the MacIntyre Refiner/Conche New Generation Range, call +44 (0)1241 434444, email:, and visit


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