Global Shea Alliance announces major reforestation initiative with Clinton Global Initiative

, as part of the Clinton Global Initiative’s (CGI) 2024 Annual Meeting. The initiative, titled “Action for Shea Parklands,” is set to address critical environmental and socio-economic challenges affecting millions of people in West, Central, and East Africa.

“Shea parklands, spanning nearly 275 million hectares, form an essential part of Africa’s agroforestry landscape,” the GSA stated. These trees are pivotal for both climate resilience and local farming systems, capturing over 1.5 million tonnes of CO2 annually and enhancing soil quality to mitigate droughts and floods. However, the shea tree population is under severe threat, with an estimated 8 million trees lost annually due to factors such as agricultural expansion, shorter farm-fallow cycles, and the need for fuelwood.

The “Action for Shea Parklands” commitment, a multi-faceted strategy, seeks to reverse this decline by focusing on the cultivation, protection, and promotion of shea parklands. Key actions include planting 10 million new shea and native trees, establishing community nurseries, and providing training in sustainable agroforestry. Additionally, the initiative will develop local parkland management training and implement community by-laws to support collaboration and long-term ecosystem protection.

The shea sector is a critical lifeline for 16 million women who depend on the industry, contributing up to 32% of cash income for households during lean seasons. This income supports essential needs such as nutrition, education, and healthcare in some of the continent’s poorest communities. With climate events disproportionately affecting these regions, including temperature increases in the Sahel 1.5 times faster than the global average, agricultural productivity has been severely impactecd.

“Taking action with the Clinton Global Initiative is a significant milestone for the Global Shea Alliance,” said Aaron Adu, Managing Director of the GSA. “The restoration of shea parklands is crucial not only for protecting biodiversity and strengthening climate resilience but also for empowering millions of women who rely on the shea industry. Our partnership with CGI will help mobilise the resources needed to achieve these ambitious goals.”

The “Action for Shea Parklands” initiative is expected to have a substantial and lasting impact, directly benefiting 10 million people and indirectly improving the lives of an additional 50 million. By aligning with global efforts to combat climate change, the initiative delivers both environmental and economic benefits, contributing to sustainable development at the grassroots level.

As a CGI Commitment Maker, the GSA aims to raise awareness, secure additional funding, and establish new partnerships to ensure the successful implementation of the “Action for Shea Parklands” initiative.


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