Ask the Expert: Wymbs

In light of Wymbs 40th anniversary, confectionery journalist Angus Kennedy takes us on a tour around the Wymbs site and the company’s growing success. 


In 2022 we reach our 40-year anniversary and when we look back over our many achievements, we realised just how far we have come. More importantly perhaps, our fingers are firmly on the pulse of ground-breaking technology that we are keen to share. 

So, we asked Angus Kennedy, leading journalist, and confectionery expert, to visit us and report, first-hand, on how far we have come since that first day in 1982 when Wymbs Engineering Ltd. was founded. 

Angus Kennedy shares his experience on the site below: 

I have known the Wymbs family for many years. Since I was about 10 actually! So, when Kevin Wymbs, Director, called me and asked me to join his brother Sean Wymbs and his father, Brendan Wymbs to see them all, it was a real honour. 

I couldn’t wait to catch up on what I soon was to discover, is a highly innovative, forward-thinking global solution provider. A company offering world-class technology for the bakery and confectionery industrial sectors. Wymbs Engineering’s factory and HQ is in Poynton, Cheshire, in the heart of the UK. It’s actually a very nice spot too. I chose the scenic drive snaking my way across the beautiful foothills of the Peak District National Park enroute. Actually, I felt more as if I was setting off on a hiking weekend with home-baked pork pie and bottle of local ale for the Peaks, than to talk about advanced project engineering for the bakery and confectionery industries. 

‘Wymbs country’ is an area of outstanding natural beauty. No wonder they are all so positive and welcoming here, I mused. Wymbs play a leading role in providing global customer focused solutions with their unique range of equipment. Ranging from pressurised manifold depositing systems for light, aerated and delicate masses, to lines for the chilled food sectors; including cream doughnut and chocolate éclair lines; not forgetting their superb injection systems for muffins, choux buns and cream lines. Wymbs never sit still either! They invent and create every day of the year with R&D activities practically every week. 

Meeting the team 

So, I was keen to find out what they had been up to. As I sat with my hosts, I felt Kevin and his family radiate quite an infectious type of engineering confidence. A kind of stature that could attend to, and ultimately solve, even the most stubborn project challenges. These are true engineers, I thought, as they talked passionately about their company and latest innovations with tales of genuine customer satisfaction. Customers who had evidently become their personal friends and drive their enthusiasm to take technology forward. I was, co-incidentally, in an area of the UK that is known for its world-leading engineering history and expertise. The perfect breeding ground for a company like Wymbs that offers some of the finest British engineering for these sectors. Wymbs are a family business, one that I sensed will always go the extra mile. 

Read more of our latest edition here: March 2022 Single Issue form – International Confectionery Magazine (

Media contact

Roshini Bains,
Editor, International Confectionery
Tel: +44 (0) 1622 823 922


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