Palsgaard and Aarhus University invite manufacturers develop egg replacement

Palsgaard, in collaboration with Aarhus University, is inviting food manufacturers to join a groundbreaking project aimed at developing plant-based alternatives to egg ingredients. The €5 million PIER (“Plant-based food ingredients to be egg replacers”) project seeks to replace 10% of the eggs used globally in food products such as baked goods, dressings, desserts, and ready meals.

This initiative offers food manufacturers the chance to become leaders in a scheme designed to reduce recipe costs while lowering carbon footprints. The project focuses on manufacturers that use significant volumes of egg and egg powders and are strategically inclined to reduce their dependence on fresh and dried eggs.

Participating companies will have the opportunity to co-create with other project members and gain priority access to new ingredients for their products. Claus Hviid Christensen, Chief Executive Officer of Nexus, Palsgaard’s specialised R&D sister company, highlighted the project’s potential: “The PIER project represents an exciting opportunity to drive positive change by developing more cost-effective, climate-friendly ingredients. We’re looking to bring in partners from the food industry who are ready to co-create with us, testing their existing recipes and developing new recipes using solutions that are not yet available on the market. By securing first-mover advantage on next-generation egg replacements, the successful applicants will get a big head start in being able to cut their costs and their carbon footprint.”

Sustainability is a key driver for the project, with global annual CO2 emissions from egg consumption being three times that of all container ship traffic. Approximately 12% of these eggs are used as ingredients in food products for their functional properties, such as texture and volume through foaming, gelling, and emulsifying.

Palsgaard, a specialist in emulsifiers and stabilizers, is collaborating with Nexus and Aarhus University to create plant-based solutions aimed at replacing 10% of the eggs used globally as ingredients. This would equate to a reduction of 100,000 tons of CO2 emissions, with the project targeting a 33% reduction in overall emissions.

To reach this target, the plant-based alternatives must meet high standards in taste, sustainability, affordability, and functionality. Claus Hviid Christensen added: “Plant-based ingredients have enormous commercial potential as a replacement for eggs that can substantially lower carbon emissions. We may need to develop a range of solutions to meet different application requirements and we’ll also be exploring opportunities for partial egg replacement. We’re looking forward to hearing from manufacturers who are keen to join us in pioneering innovative new solutions.”

The PIER project has a total budget of 37 million Danish Kroner (approximately €5 million) and has received a grant of 23 million Danish Kroner (approximately €3 million) from Innovation Fund Denmark.


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