Please note that our Call for Content is now officially closed.
The submission process:
You can submit content contributions based on the topics of discussion on the previous page; if you wish to submit content under a different topic that still follows this year’s themes, you are welcome to do so.
Please ensure:
That your submissions contain accurate and up-to-date details of the speaker: including name, job title, location and contact information. Failure to do so will result in your submission being voided by our approval process.
This year, we have a particular interest in submissions from manufacturers both candy and machinery, as well as management staff in industry-leading companies, organisations and associations. Editorially-driven content with clear aims and objectives that address topical issues within the industry will be favoured.
If you have any queries or further assistance needed with your application process, please do not hesitate to reach out to our International Confectionery Editor, Hannah Lavin: